How to join the withdraw(redeem) queue

1. The 'Queue to Supply/Redeem' button is activated during the Funded and Live stages. Clicking the activated Redeem queue button will open the following pop-up window.

2. To use the Redeem queue, you must first set the approval limit for the connected wallet. Click the 'Approve' button in the pop-up window to activate the 'Set Approval Limit' pop-up window in the connected wallet. Enter the approval limit directly or click the 'Use Default Value (set in the ELYFI contract)' button and enter the approval limit in the input field. Then click the next button to proceed to the final approval pop-up window. After confirming the approval limit, click the 'Approve' button, and after a few seconds, the pop-up window will switch to the Redeem tab in the 'Senior Queue' pop-up window.

3. Enter the amount of SNT tokens you want to sell on the Redeem tab of the 'Senior Queue' pop-up window. The maximum amount of selling is min [the amount of money you want to sell, (limit setting amount - used amount)]. You can only have one waiting request per wallet, so if there is a previous waiting request, it will be automatically canceled and reflected as a new waiting request. (Input is possible up to 18 decimal places.)

4. When you enter the amount, the 'Queue to Redeem' button is activated, and clicking the button will activate the pop-up window of the connected wallet. After the final approval is made in the pop-up window, the transaction will be executed.

5. After approval, you can check whether the waiting request is reflected in the 'Supply/Redeem Queue' on the detailed page. If the waiting request does not appear on the 'Supply/Redeem Queue' immediately after approval or the amount is different, it means that all or part of the transaction has been executed, so you can check it in your wallet balance.

*Note: If the wallet balance is lower than the waiting request amount, the waiting request may be canceled due to 'Insufficient' status. Please refer to the FAQ for more information

Last updated